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Green and Eco-Friendly Ways to Heat Your Home This Winter

Green and Eco-Friendly Ways to Heat Your Home This Winter

Green and Eco-Friendly Ways to Heat Your Home This Winter

Why you should switch to eco-friendly home heating fuel and what are your options in Ireland?


Heating your home efficiently and effectively this winter is important, especially as energy prices continue to rise to crazy levels and new regulations are coming in to ban some of your go-to fuels. So, with that in mind, what can you do to combat these costs and not only heat your home, but do so in a green and eco-friendly way?


Read on for our update on what’s driving the new regs, the changing laws that may affect your family and a few examples of eco-friendly ways to heat your home this winter.


Why do we need to change our home heating fuels?


Keeping warm is necessary, especially during the winter months. But when it comes to creating a toasty indoor environment, we still need to be aware of our impact on the world outside our doors. This is because every action we take will directly impact our climate. Burning the wrong fuels at home will release harmful smoke into the atmosphere, and potentially into our homes too.


OK, here comes the science bit... Fuels such as wet wood and coal when burnt are big negative contributors to the atmosphere and can even affect your health if mixed with other emissions. Air pollution is massively impacted by burning, as it releases the most damaging air pollutants. Fine particulate matter is released during the burning process, not only harming the environment but also your lungs, increasing the risk to the planet, to you, and your family.


Scary huh? You don’t need to worry; help is at hand. We can all make minor changes that can dramatically increase the air quality of your home and the wider environment. But before we get into what to buy, a quick word on staying the right side of the law...


What home heating fuels are being banned?


From October 2022, the use of smoky coal is banned in Ireland, as they have been proven to be a major contributor to air pollution in the country.


What does the law actually say?


The new regulations state that coal and solid fuels must have a smoke emission rate of less than 10g/hour, while manufactured fuels must have a smoke emission rate of less than 5g/hr. In addition, coal products and manufactured solid fuels need less than 2% sulphur content based on weight, which reduces to 1% from September 2025. Also in the regulations is that 100% biomass products, wood products and wood log, supplies in units under 2m³, must have a moisture content of 25% or less, which reduces to 20% from September 2025.


Now, this all seems wildly complicated to us and likely to you too. Rather than try and decipher what all those numbers mean, we’ve put together a couple of suggestions that will keep you cosy and compliant. Let's take a look at greener home heating alternatives.


The best eco-friendly ways to heat your home this winter


Now that you know what you can’t use, it’s time to look at what options are still available to you. There are a number of eco-friendly options to heat your home that allow you to burn safely and efficiently without harming the environment.


Wood Pellets


Wood pellets are an excellent eco-friendly home heating alternative. They burn cleanly and compared to other options create very little ash. They meet the upcoming new regulations and will help you to sustainably heat your home in a cleaner and greener way than other methods.


Smokeless Coal


Developed using a combination of naturally occurring materials that are fully compliant with incoming regulations, smokeless coal is a genuine alternative that works brilliantly. Emitting less than 5 grams of smoke per hour when burnt, smokeless coals work without sacrificing warmth or compromising the longevity of the flame. On average it emits 80% less smoke and up to 25% less carbon dioxide when compared to regular coal.


To see a direct comparison in heat output and longevity between smokeless coal and smoky coal, watch the video below. The main takeaway point from this experiment is that 20kg of Supertherm burns up to 2 hours longer than coal with a comparable price:


Are eco-friendly home heating products as good as smoky coal?


Cutting straight to the heart of the matter, yes. In many cases they’re actually better and not just for the planet! Smokeless coal offers a up to 33% more heat than traditional coal and can also burn up to a massive 40% longer. Burning hotter for longer AND eco? That’s a pocket-friendly planet win in anyone’s book.


How to sustainably heat your home


For homeowners looking for eco-friendly ways to heat their home, you will find a range of the products mentioned above such as wood pellets, smokeless coal, and others, at Bandon-Coop. Ready to get stocked up with super cosy home heating products ahead of the chilly weather? Let’s turn up the heat.


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