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List of native decorative plants and crops to plant in the kitchen and garden in May

List of native decorative plants and crops to plant in the kitchen and garden in May

List of native decorative plants and crops to plant in the kitchen and garden in May

List of native decorative plants and crops to plant in the kitchen and garden in May

For budding gardeners, May is undoubtedly the most optimistic month of the year! However, do not worry if you are a novice.

With our list of suitable May planting dates for kitchen, garden plants and local ornamental plants, we're here to help you plan out your home.

Additionally, in order to promote our local ecosystem, we've focused more on presenting the greatest indigenous types you could grow in an Irish garden.

Planting Outdoor Plants In May 

Do you intend to plant some decorative outdoor plants in your Irish garden in May? Here are some options to think about:


Putting money into a wildflower area in your Irish garden is the best thing you can do for biodiversity and pollinators.  You could begin sowing and planting native Irish wildflowers right away, such as:

  • Cowslips
  • Foxgloves
  • Primroses
  • Buddleia (also referred to as the butterfly bush)
  • Lavender
  • Marjoram
  • Bluebells

Other Decorative Plants For May Planting

  • Foxglove - this lovely, tall plant produces spikes of tubular flowers and is native to Ireland.
  • Wild roses - Ireland is home to various varieties of wild roses, which bloom in stunning pink or white.
  • Montbretia - a native of Ireland and has stunning orange or red blossoms.
  • Meadowsweet - is a shrub that produces clusters of fragrant, white or cream-colored flowers and thrives in moist soil.

Bedding Plants For May Planting

  • Irish moss - has tiny white flowers and spreads down low to the ground, is a great choice for ground cover.
  • Wood anemone - a native of Irish woodlands, also has delicate white blooms.
  • Red campion - has vivid pink blooms and thrives in light shade.
  • Honeysuckle - has fragrant flowers and is a common option for clinging to trellises and walls.

Trees You Might Want To Plant In May

If you're feeling ambitious and want to invest in a tree for a larger Irish garden, here are some species to think about:

  • Oak - a recognizable tree that is native to Ireland and provides vital habitat for many wildlife species.
  • Rowan - a tree that produces clusters of red berries in the autumn and is said to have magical properties in Irish folklore. 

  • Birch - known for its distinctive white bark and produces catkins in the spring. Willow is a tree that spreads widely and is crucial for stabilizing riverbanks and providing habitat for wildlife.
  • Holly - a tree with glossy leaves and red berries that are produced in the winter.

Kitchen Garden Vegetables

You can begin with these crops if you have space (and the desire) to grow your own food this year.

  • Kale - a leafy green that can be cultivated all year long in Ireland and is a great source of vitamins and minerals.
  • Turnips - are a root vegetable that thrives in cooler climates and are simple to grow.
  • Rhubarb - produces sour stalks that are excellent for pies and other dishes.
  • Parsnips - are a root vegetable that may be harvested in the fall and need deep, well-drained soil to grow.
  • Irish potatoes - You certainly can! Choose from a variety of Irish-native potato cultivars to grow them.

These are merely some ideas to get you going. Keep in mind that some areas may have a microclimate that is favourable to a particular range of lesser-known indigenous plant species!

If you do some investigation, you could be astonished at what you can do in some coastal regions or sunnier regions of southern Ireland.

Best Plants For Balconies With Shade

Do you have a tiny urban yard or gloomy balcony that receives less sunshine than a larger Irish Garden or is covered for the majority of the day?

You may want to think about planting these great plants in May 

1. Fuchsia: This hardy shrub grows well in partial shade and has beautiful, drooping blooms. We adore this plant's seemingly limitless supply of dazzlingly vibrant hues. There are several options available as well.

2. Begonias: They come in a variety of colours as well. They are perfect for bringing some color to a partially shaded yard or balcony.

3. Ferns: Because of their archaic shapes, ferns can be quite ornamental and architectural.  There are several different types that thrive in dim lighting.

They can also be grown in pots or hanging baskets on patios. In addition, ferns give any space a lush, tropical vibe.

4. Impatiens are also known as "busy lizzies" or “Touch-me-not”. These plants thrive in light shade and produce stunning, colourful flowers in vibrant pinks and purples.

5. Hosta’s are a great option for adding texture, greenery, and shape to a shady balcony since they will produce stunning, variegated leaves.

6. Heuchera - Also referred to as "coral bells," these plants produce stunning foliage in green, purple, and red flowers.

Need A Starter Kit For Spring Planting?

Is this the first time you've ever planted in your garden 'with intent'?

Or perhaps you've just moved into a new house with a garden and are eager to get started.

Let's get you going now. When you next visit your neighbourhood hardware store, you might want to add the following things to your shopping list:

Gardener's First-Time Shopping List

1. Gardening gloves - a nice pair of gardening gloves will shield your hands from mud, cuts, and thorns as you work in the ground.

2. Hand trowel - A necessary tool for digging tiny holes for seeds or miniature plants. Additionally useful when you have to dig up and move things

3. Garden fork - Before planting, the soil needs to be aerated and made more pliable for sowing. Turn the soil over, break up clumps of more stiff material, loosen large stones for removal, and pull obstinate weeds using a garden fork.

4. Pruning shears - Your pruning shears will be a reliable daily tool because they are necessary for deadheading spent blooms, shaping decorative plants, removing rotten limbs and small branches, and trimming back overgrown plants.

5. Garden hose - You'll need this if you need to cover a lot of ground and get to places that are farther from your water source.

6. Watering can - Use a watering can to keep your plants hydrated in certain areas or tiny landscapes. When watering indoor plants without a hose, it is convenient.

7. Compost - There are many different compost types and recipes based on the type of plants and their developmental stages; make sure to use compost that is appropriate for the species you are planting.

8. Fertilizer - Depending on the kind of plants you're cultivating, you might need to find different kinds of fertilizer. Just after the winter, add some fertilizer to the soil, and plan to top it up every fortnight in most cases using liquid fertilizer additives to keep the plants well-fed.

9. Mulch - If you can't make your own, buy some mulch. When the weather is too warm, mulching is good since it keeps the soil moist while also protecting it from the first winter snaps.  Mulch can also aid in weed suppression.

10. Pots or containers - Check that they are the right size and have drainage for the plants you are planting.

11. Label your plants - This is especially important in the kitchen garden so you can remember what you sowed as it grows. If you are growing numerous types of plants, you may find it difficult to identify the sprouts or saplings.

12. Plant supports - can be made from sticks, specifically designed frames, or even just some bamboo that has been cut down and put together. If you want to cultivate climbing plants, especially kitchen plants like tomatoes or beans, you'll need a few of them to help them climb right.

13. Garden cart or wheelbarrow - Take care of your back! For moving soil or compost, you'll need this if you have a larger garden.

When selecting biodegradable items like fertilizer, mulch, and compost, like with any tools and equipment, consider the particular requirements of the plants you are growing. 

Find our large range of products available online and in-store that will help you create your ideal garden by clicking Here.


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